Crawford County Fair
Class F Sheep Show
Laci Pethtel
Premiums Offered $9,475.00
Sheep classes Open to the world
Entries close 6 p.m. Saturday, July 22, 2023
Entries are to be started on or before 6 p.m., Saturday, July 22, 2023.
Livestock must be on the grounds by 10:00 pm Sunday, July 23, 2023. Release
Wednesday, July 26, 2023 after 10:00 pm. per 72 hour rule per the STATE OF ILLINOIS
Judging Tuesday,July 25, 2023 after 4-H Judging
Beyond The Ring Junior Livestock Show Sanctioned Sheep classes open to ages 5-21 from age as of Jan 1 of current year
"Official health certificate" as referred to in these regulations shall be one issued and signed by an approved accredited veterinarian or veterinarian of the Bureau of Animal Industry. Sample in back of book.
All sheep for exhibition purposes in Illinois must be accompanied by an official health certificate showing no infectious and contagious diseases.
1. All sheep exhibited must have been born on or after Jan 1 of current year
2. All sheep must be owned by e obit or by June 1 of current year.
3. Market class weights may be altered by superintendent to balance classes
4. All market animals will be weighed. Scales are located in 4H barn so be prepared for that.
5. Lambs must be exhibited by breed. A minimum of 5 lambs are required for a breed to have its own class. If less than 5 then will be added to an AOB class. Exhibitors must declare breed.
6. Classes should try to be equal in quantity as possible to increase fairness
Ram: 1 year and under 2
Ram Lamb: under 1 year
Ewe: 1 year and under 2
Ewe Lamb: under 1 year
Aged Ewe: 2 years old or over
Yearlings: 1 year old and under
Entry Fee: $16.00 on winners only
Maintenance Fee: $15.00 per head
Purse: $228.00
First, $60.00; Second, $58.00; Third, $56.00; Fourth, $54.00
Stall rent will be paid by all open show exhibitors.
Important announcement - registration papers
Exhibitors are required to have their registration papers available at all times.
Especially the day of the show.
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