Crawford County Fair
Class L Floriculture Show

Superintendent - Marcie Pinkston PH. 618-616-0921


Premiums Offered, $2,370.00
Ribbons given in all classes
Anyone raising and selling flowers commercially is prohibited from showing
All flowers must be Home Grown
Entries close at 6 p.m., Saturday, July 20, 2024.
Floral Hall will be open from 8:00 a.m.- 6:00 p.m. Saturday, July 20, 2024 and 8:00a.m.- 2:00 p.m. Sunday, July 21, 2024 to accept exhibits.
Entries must be in place by 2 p.m., Sunday, July 21, 2024
Judging will be Sunday, July 21, 2024
Entries can be removed after 12:00 p.m., July 26, 2024
Floral Hall will be open 5:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Monday - Thursday

Only one entry permitted in any one premium number

Class L        
First Name     
Last Name      
Street Address 
Email address  


Entry Fee $2.50 on winners only
Purse $26.00
1st, $8.00; 2nd, $7.00; 3rd, $6.00; 4th, $5.00

1499. Baby Tears
1500. Large Leaf Begonia
1501. Small Leaf Begonia
1502. Petunia
1503. Ivy
1504. Oxalis
1505. Coleus
1506. Philodendron
1507. Fern
1508. Geranium in Bloom
1509. African Violet
1510. Succulent
1511. Hanging Basket
1512. Window or Porch Box Display
1513. Cactus
1514. Saltana Impatients
1515. Gardenia
1516. Basil
1517. Thyme
1518. Rosemary
1519. Mint
1520. Sage
1521. Oregano
1522. Herb, other not listed
1523. Christmas Cactus
1524. Gloxinia
1525. Sedum
1526. Mother-in-Law Tongue
1527. Airplane or Spider plant
1528. Most Unusaul Plant
1529. Terrariums


Flower Bouquets - Vase or Basket
Must be in place by 2 p.m. Sunday, July 21, 2024
Vases or Baskets may be used unless stated otherwise

1530. Cosmos
1531. Dahlia
1532. Asters, all colors
1533. Cushion Mums
1534. Everlasting Flowers
1535. Carnations, not less than 6
1536. Pansies, not less than 6
1537. Phlos, not less than 6
1538. Verbena, not less than 6
1539. Petunias, single, not less than 6
1540. Petunias, double or fringe, not less than 6
1541. Zinnia, large, not less than 6
1542. Zinnia, small, not less than 6
1543. Snapdragon, not less than 6
1544. Cockscomb
1545. Marigolds, large
1546. Marigolds, small
1547. Sweet Peas
1548. Sun Flowers
1549. Cannas
1550. Salvia
1551. Hollyhocks
1552. Lilies
1553. Pinks
1554. Daisies
1555. Wild Flowers
1556. Two Color Flowers
1557. Flowering Shrubs
1558. Nosturtiums
1559. Dianthus


One Stem in a Vase

1560. Gladiolas, red
1561. Gladiolas, orange
1562. Gladiolas, yellow
1563. Gladiolas, purple/lavender
1564. Gladiolas, white/cream
1565. Gladiolas, green
1566. Gladiolas, pink
1567. Rose, red
1568. Rose, yellow
1569. Rose, pink
1570. Rose, white
1571. Rose, peach
1572. Rose, bi-color
1573. Rose, lavender/purple


(Fresh Flowers, unless otherwise stated)
1574. Basket
1575. Accent on Pink
1576. Patriotic
1577. Pitcher
1578. Asters
1579. Arrangement with 1 or more candles
1580. Accent on Yellow
1581. Daises
1582. Study in Green, using different shades of green plant material
1583. Accent on Red
1584. Grandma's Garden
1585. White with Green
1586. High Style Arrangement (over 12")
1587. Minature Flowers
1588. Wild Flowers
1589. Ugliest Flower
1590. Most Unusual & Artitic
1591. Petunias

ROCK GARDENS 1592. Minature Rock Garden
1593. Fairy Garden
1594. Clay Pot
1595. Any Kind Of Container DECORATOR WREATHS 1596. Holiday
1597. Spring
1598. Summer
1599. Fall
1600. Winter
1601. Misc.
1602. Swags
1603. Fresh Scent (Herbal Wreath using at least 5 different herbs -dried flowers maybe used)
1604. Theme Decorated (Kitchen, Bathroom, Bedroom, Etc.) SILK FLOWER ARRANGEMENTS 1606. Basket 1607. Patriotic 1608. Pitcher
1609. Arrangement with Candles
1610. Grandma's Garden 1611. High Style Arrangement (over 12")


Each Exhibitor to Furnish Card Tables and Necessary Articles
1st, $11.00; 2nd, $10.00; 3rd, $9.00; 4th, $8.00 1612. Table Setting and Arrangement


Best of Show
No Need To Enter

1613. Potted Plants $5.00
1614. Cut Flowers $5.00
1615. Arrangements $5.00

Type the above number:

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